This repository contains my collection of modified and custom written check plugins and scripts for Nagios.
Most of these are very custom solutions or modified versions of standard plugins so distributing them through NagiosExchange is not really appropriate. I am publishing them separately so that others may benefit from these as well. Use them freely and please let me know is you encounter any issues or require changes.
The latest versions, documentation and bugtracker available on my GitLab instance
Copyright (c) 2015 Frederik Lindenaar. free for distribution under the GNU License, see below
Nagios check script to monitor the memory on Linux systems. Due to changes in the output of procps v3.3 (the changelog refers to it as modernizing it), it's output changed and breaks the the check_memory script as shipped with many linux distributions. This version supports both the old and the new format so that is indifferent of which version of procps (to date) is used. No other changes were made to the script.
This script is a first attempt to monitor multi-home and dual-stack (i.e. ipv4 and ipv6) servers. In my setup a server should only considered availble if it is available on all of its primary addresses (i.e. both ipv4 and ipv6). It uses the excellent check_multi script to perform multiple a ping check to see if a host is available and reports the consolidated status. Using check_multi has the advantage that pnp4nagios and other scripting graphing solutions will support this solution as well.
Installation is straightforward, after installing the script on your server, add
the following to your commands.cmd
configuration file to make it available:
# 'check-host-alive' command definition for multi-homed/dual-stack servers
define command{
command_name check-addresses-alive
command_line [install_path]/plugins/check_multiplehost_addresses '$HOSTADDRESS$' '$_HOSTADDRESS6$'
The example above assumes that the IPv6 address of the host is provided as part of the host configuration, i.e.:
define host {
_address6 fdf8:f340:ab9d:c213::1
To use the script either add check_command check-addresses-alive
to the specific hosts that should use the check or to the generic host used as
Very simplistic CGI-BIN script that checkes whether nagios is still running and still updating its status. It wil always return an HTTP Status 200 (OK) and a simple text page with one of the following texts:
- in case the nagios process is not running -
- in case the nagios status file has not been updated for 5 minutes -
- when Nagios is running and updated its status file < 5 minutes ago
I wrote this script to be used with an external monitoring system, I use it with the free subscription from Pingdom to get alerts when my Nagios monitoring system is no longer reachable.
These scripts, documentation & configration examples are free software: you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This script, documenatation and configuration examples are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, download it from