plugin.lang.php 3.04 KB
Plugin Name: Ldap_Login
Version: 1.0.1
Description: Permet de se logger via une authentification ldap
Plugin URI:
Author: 22decembre
Author URI:

Language Name: English [UK]

$lang['All LDAP users can use their ldap password everywhere on piwigo if needed.'] = 'All LDAP users can use their LDAP password everywhere in Piwigo if needed.';
$lang['New users when ldap auth is successfull'] = 'New users when LDAP auth is successful';
$lang['Ldap_Login Plugin'] = 'Ldap_Login Plugin';
$lang['Ldap_Login configuration'] = 'Ldap_Login configuration';
$lang['Warning: LDAP Extension missing.'] = 'Warning: LDAP Extension missing.';

// ldap server connection

$lang['Ldap server host connection'] = 'LDAP server connection';
$lang['If empty, standard protocol ports will be used by the software.'] = 'If empty, standard protocol ports will be used by the software.';
$lang['If empty, localhost and standard protocol ports will be used in configuration.'] = 'If empty, localhost and standard protocol ports will be used in configuration.';
$lang['Ldap server host'] = 'LDAP server host';
$lang['Secure connexion'] = 'Secure connection (ldaps)';
$lang['Ldap port'] = 'LDAP port';

// ldap attributes

$lang['Ldap attributes'] = 'LDAP attributes';
$lang['Base DN'] = 'Base DN where LDAP users should be found (e.g.: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com):';
$lang['Ldap filter :'] = 'LDAP filter';
$lang['Attribute corresponding to the user name'] = 'Attribute corresponding to the user name';

// ldap connection credentials

$lang['Ldap connection credentials'] = 'LDAP connection credentials';
$lang['Let the fields blank if the ldap accept anonymous connections.'] = 'Leave the fields empty if LDAP accepts anonymous connections.';
$lang['Bind DN, field in full ldap style'] = 'Bind DN in LDAP style (e.g.: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com).';
$lang['Bind password'] = 'Bind password';

// test and save

$lang['Username'] = 'Your LDAP username';
$lang['Your password'] = 'Your LDAP password';
$lang['Ldap_Login Test'] = 'Ldap_Login Test';
$lang['You must save the settings with the Save button just up there before testing here.'] = 'You need to save settings using the Save button above, before testing them.';
$lang['Save'] = 'Save';
$lang['Test Settings'] = 'Test settings';

// new piwigo users

$lang['Do you want admins to be advertised by mail in case of new users creation upon ldap login ?'] = 'Should admins be notified by mail in case of creation of new users upon LDAP login?';
$lang['Do you want to send mail to the new users, like casual piwigo users receive ?'] = 'Should new users receive mail similar to casual Piwigo users?';
$lang['Do you allow new piwigo users to be created when users authenticate succesfully on the ldap ?'] = 'Should new Piwigo users be created when users authenticate succesfully via LDAP?';
$lang['Do you want admins to be advertised by mail in case of new users creation upon ldap login ?'] = 'Do you want admins to be advertised by mail in case of new users creation upon ldap login ?';
