#!/bin/bash # check_dns_replication - check DNS zone replication by comparing zone serials # # Version 1.0, latest version, documentation and bugtracker available at: # https://gitlab.lindenaar.net/scripts/nagios-plugins # # Copyright (c) 2021 Frederik Lindenaar # # This script is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify it under the # terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, or (at your option) any later version of the license. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, visit <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> to download it. # Usage: check_dns_replication [-n] dns_zone[,dns_zone...] [dns_server...] if [ "$#" -eq 0 -o "$1" == "-n" -a "$#" -eq 1 ]; then echo "DNSREPLICATION: UNKNOWN | missing parameter dns_zone" exit 3 elif [ "$1" == "-n" ]; then DNS_SERVER_LOOKUP=$1 shift elif [ $1 == '-h' -o $1 == '--help' ]; then cat << EOT `basename $0` - check DNS zone replication by comparing SOA serial(s) usage: $0 [-n] dns_zone[,dns_zone...] [dns_server...] parameters: -n when specified (or no dns_server provided) check domain's NS records -h this help dns_zone[,dns_zone...] list of DNS zones to check (comma separated!) [dns_server...] DNS server(s) to compare with authoratative server EOT exit 3 elif [[ "$1" = -* ]]; then echo "DNSREPLICATION: UNKNOWN | invalid parameter, for help run $0 -h" exit 3 fi DNS_ZONES=${1//,/ } shift DNS_SERVERS=${*//,/ } n=" " NAGIOS_STATE=OK NAGIOS_RESULT=0 NAGIOS_DETAILS= for DNS_ZONE in $DNS_ZONES; do read AUTH_NAMESERVER <<<$(host -t soa $DNS_ZONE ${DNS_SERVERS// .*/} | tail -1 | cut -d\ -f5 | sed "s/.$//") [ -n "$AUTH_NAMESERVER" ] && read AUTH_SOA_SERIAL <<<$(host -t soa $DNS_ZONE $AUTH_NAMESERVER | tail -1 | cut -d\ -f7) if [ -z "$AUTH_SOA_SERIAL" ]; then NAGIOS_STATE=CRITICAL NAGIOS_RESULT=2 NAGIOS_DETAILS="$NAGIOS_DETAILS$n$DNS_ZONE: unknown domain (unable to resolve)" else NAMESERVER_OK= NAMESERVER_HIGHER= NAMESERVER_LOWER= NAMESERVER_EMPTY= NAMESERVERS=$DNS_SERVERS if [ -z "$DNS_SERVERS" -o "$DNS_SERVER_LOOKUP" == '-n' -o "$DNS_SERVERS" == "$AUTH_NAMESERVER" ]; then NAMESERVERS="$NAMESERVERS $(host -t ns $DNS_ZONE $AUTH_NAMESERVER | fgrep -v : | sed "s/.* //;s/\.$//")" fi for NAMESERVER in $NAMESERVERS; do if [ "$NAMESERVER" != "$AUTH_NAMESERVER" ]; then SOA_SERIAL=$(host -t soa $DNS_ZONE $NAMESERVER | tail -1 | cut -d\ -f 7) if [ -z "$SOA_SERIAL" ]; then NAMESERVER_EMPTY="$NAMESERVER_EMPTY$NAMESERVER," elif [ "$SOA_SERIAL" -lt "$AUTH_SOA_SERIAL" ]; then NAMESERVER_LOWER="$NAMESERVER_LOWER$NAMESERVER," elif [ "$SOA_SERIAL" -gt "$AUTH_SOA_SERIAL" ]; then NAMESERVER_HIGHER="$NAMESERVER_HIGHER$NAMESERVER," else NAMESERVER_OK="$NAMESERVER_OK$NAMESERVER," fi fi done NAGIOS_DETAILS="$NAGIOS_DETAILS$n$DNS_ZONE: $AUTH_NAMESERVER($AUTH_SOA_SERIAL)" [ -n "$NAMESERVER_OK" ] && NAGIOS_DETAILS="$NAGIOS_DETAILS ok:$NAMESERVER_OK" [ -n "$NAMESERVER_HIGHER" ] && NAGIOS_DETAILS="$NAGIOS_DETAILS higher:$NAMESERVER_HIGHER" [ -n "$NAMESERVER_LOWER" ] && NAGIOS_DETAILS="$NAGIOS_DETAILS lower:$NAMESERVER_LOWER" [ -n "$NAMESERVER_EMPTY" ] && NAGIOS_DETAILS="$NAGIOS_DETAILS error:$NAMESERVER_EMPTY" if [ -n "$NAMESERVER_HIGHER$NAMESERVER_LOWER$NAMESERVER_EMPTY" ]; then NAGIOS_STATE=CRITICAL NAGIOS_RESULT=2 fi NAGIOS_DETAILS="${NAGIOS_DETAILS%,}" fi done echo "DNSREPLICATION: $NAGIOS_STATE$NAGIOS_DETAILS" exit $NAGIOS_RESULT