diff --git a/plugins/check_otp b/plugins/check_otp
index 2678b11..a617c88 100755
--- a/plugins/check_otp
+++ b/plugins/check_otp
@@ -359,9 +359,8 @@ def checkotp(url, subject, secret, isserial=False, nas=None):
     if not isempty(nas):
         params['nas'] = nas
     if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
-        logger.debug('HTTP request parameters: %s',
-                     ', '.join(map(lambda (k,v): '%s="%s"' % (k, v if k!='pass'
-                                     else '***MASKED***'), params.iteritems())))
+        logger.debug('HTTP request parameters: %s', ', '.join([ '%s=%s' % (k,
+            v if k!='pass' else '***MASKED***') for k,v in params.iteritems()]))
      # Perform the API authentication request
     response = json.load(urlopen(Request(url, data=urlencode(params))))
@@ -372,16 +371,15 @@ def checkotp(url, subject, secret, isserial=False, nas=None):
 def nagios_exit(status, message, data=None):
-    """exit 'nagios-style', print status and message followed by the data"""
+    """exit 'nagios-style', print status and message followed by perf. data"""
     if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.CRITICAL):
         if data is not None and len(data) > 0:
-            perfdata=map(lambda (k,v): "'%s'=%s" %(k,v if not isinstance(v,list)
-                     else ';'.join(map(lambda x:'' if x is None else str(x),v)))
-                         ,data.iteritems())
-            perfstr = ' | ' + ' '.join(perfdata)
+            perfdata = ' | ' + ' '.join([ "'%s'=%s" % (k,
+                ';'.join(['' if x is None else str(x) for x in v])
+                        if isinstance(v,list) else v) for k,v in data ])
-            perfstr = ''
-        print 'OTP %s: %s%s' % (status[0], message, perfstr)
+            perfdata = ''
+        print 'OTP %s: %s%s' % (status[0], message, perfdata)
@@ -478,5 +476,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if 'message' in detaildata:
         message += ': ' + detaildata.get('message')
-    nagios_exit(nagiosresult, message, {
-                  'time': [ elapse, args.warn, args.critical, 0, None]})
+    nagios_exit(nagiosresult, message, [
+                  ('time', [ elapse, args.warn, args.critical, 0, None ])])