diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8ae4edf..55830fb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ This repository contains the following scripts:
   * [freeipa-dns.py](#freeipadns)
     is a script providing functionality not available in FreeIPA itself to
     migrate/synchronize and maintain DNS zones in FreeIPA
+  * [freeipa-letsencrypt.sh](#freeipaletsencrypt)
+    is a script to setup and configure Certbot and FreeIPA to request and renew
+    use publicly verifiable Let's Encrypt certificate(s)
 <a name=users2freeipa>users2freeipa.py</a>
@@ -60,6 +63,14 @@ This will also install the OpenDirectory-specific schema customization, create
 groups and copy group memberships, copy usuable passwords and ensure that all
 users have a password (storing generated passwords to ```passwords.txt```)
+Please note that migrating existing passwords from LDAP has limitations, see
+page on migrating NIS passwords and [this](https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/4732)
+issue reported with it. Bottom line is that (at this moment) password migration
+is flawed and always will require manual action from the user. For this reason
+the better alternative to set a random password and ask the user to reset the
+password using the FreeIPA portal makes more sense.
 Before running a production user migration, it is important to have FreeIPA
 setup and configured correctly so that the right defaults are used for new
 users. Best is to start with a single user and add that as a stage user (please
@@ -160,6 +171,54 @@ for available commands run ```freeipa-dns.py -h``` and to get an overview of
 the available options for each commmand run ```freeipa-dns.py <command> -h```
+<a name=freeipaletsencrypt>freeipa-letsencrypt.sh</a>
+This script will ensure the necessary setup is in place so that Certbot (EFF's
+certificate request script for Let's Encrypt) will work with FreeIPA for DNS
+challenges and and instructs it to deploy new certificates for FreeIPA's web
+interface. Before writing this script I looked at available options, especially
+[freeipa-letsencrypt](https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa-letsencrypt) and [antevens'](https://github.com/antevens/letsencrypt-freeipa) implementation but
+decided to take a slightly different approach where Certbot does all the work
+and the setup script will only ensure that the environment is prepared and that
+Certbot is initially instructed correctly. This allows to fully tie-in with how
+Certbot handles renews and use the Certbot package's provided method to schedule
+The following changes will be made for this:
+  1. Add Let's Encrypt Root and Intermediate CAs as trusted CAs
+  2. Create DNS Administrator role in FreeIPA that can edit any DNS Record
+  3. Create host service: ${SERVICE}
+  4. Allow letsencrypt host service to manage DNS entries
+  5. Register with Let's encrypt as: ${EMAIL}
+  6. Request a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for: ${CERTNAME}
+     with DNS Alternative names: ${DNSALTNAMES}
+  7. install the Let's Encrypt certificate in apache as host SSL certificate,
+     storing renewal config in: /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/$HOSTNAME.conf
+  8. configure the Fedora Certbot renew timer so that certbot is run daily to
+     renew the certificate when needed.
+The script is built to auto-configure but many of the defaults can be overridden
+by setting one of the following environment variables:
+| Variable    | Description                        | Default value             |
+| CERTNAME    | certificate hostname,              | host's canonicalname  (*) |
+| DNSALTNAMES | certificate DNS names              | host's principalnames (*) |
+| DOMAIN      | Let's Encrypt challenge DNS zone   | {DNS name's domain}  (**) |
+| EMAIL       | administrator's e-mail address     | hostmaster@{domain}       |
+| HOSTNAME    | FreeIPA server's hostname          | `hostname --fqdn`         |
+| KEYTAB      | Let'sEncrypt service's keytab file | /etc/letsencrypt/keytab   |
+| KRB5CCNAME  | Kerberos5 cache to use for tickets | automatically determined  |
+| REPLY       | when 'y' skip user confirmation    | ""                        |
+| SERVICE     | FreeIPA service for Certbot to use | letsencrypt/canonicalname |
+| SUDO        | command to become root (if needed) | sudo                      |
+| TMPDIR      | Directory for temporary files      | /tmp                      |
+(*)  obtained from the FreeIPA server record looked up based on ${HOSTNAME}
+(**) this allows to enforce the DNS zone, e.g. host.subdomain in mydomain.tld
+When things change, the script can simply be run again.
 <a name="license">License</a>
 These scripts, documentation & configration examples are free software: you can
diff --git a/freeipa-dns.py b/freeipa-dns.py
index ed777a0..fe69658 100755
--- a/freeipa-dns.py
+++ b/freeipa-dns.py
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ def reverseptr(api, args):
                         if currrev == recordname:
                             logger.debug('no update for %s (%s) in %s',
                                                 reventry, recordname, revzone)
-                        elif currrev and not args.overwrite:
+                        elif currrev and not args.override:
                             logger.warn('not updating %s (%s) in %s pointing to'
                                 ' %s', reventry, recordname, revzone, currrev)
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         args.func(api, args)
     except DNSException as e:
-        logger.critical("Domain %s cannot be downloaded,%s", domain, e)
+        logger.critical("Domain cannot be downloaded: %s", e)
     except AuthenticationError:
         logger.critical("Unable to authenticate to FreeIPA, make sure you have a valid Kerberos ticket!")
     except PublicError as e:
diff --git a/freeipa-letsencrypt.sh b/freeipa-letsencrypt.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b7b610c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freeipa-letsencrypt.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# freeipa-letsencrypt.sh - script to setup Let's Encrypt's Certbot for FreeIPA
+# Version 1.0, latest version, documentation and bugtracker available at:
+#		https://gitlab.lindenaar.net/scripts/freeipa
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Frederik Lindenaar
+# This script is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify it under the
+# terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, or (at your option) any later version of the license.
+# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program.  If not, visit <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> to download it.
+# Sanity checks, ensure we have a valid Kerberos ticket, current host is a
+# FreeIPA server, certbot is installed and that we can run priviliged commands
+die() { echo $* >&2; exit 1; }
+if ! klist -s; then
+    die no valid Kerberos ticket, please login to FreeIPA using kinit first
+elif ! ipa server-show ${HOSTNAME:=$(hostname --fqdn)} > /dev/null; then
+    die this script should be run on an active IPA server
+elif ! which certbot > /dev/null; then
+    die this script requires Certbot to be installed, please install that first
+elif [ $(id -u) == 0 ]; then
+    unset SUDO
+elif ! ${SUDO:=sudo} -v; then
+    die Error: this script must be run by root and $SUDO does not seem to work
+    $SUDO kinit -k
+# Set KRB5CCNAME to ensure the current ticket cache will be used
+KRB5CCNAME=${KRB5CCNAME:-$(klist -l | head -3 | tail -1 | cut -d\  -f2-)}
+# Ensure the user consents with changing his system.
+if tty > /dev/null; then
+    cat << EOT
+This script modifies this host's FreeIPA setup so that its web interface will
+use a Let's Encrypt certificate and will automatically renew that when needed.
+The following changes will be made for this:
+  1. Add Let's Encrypt Root and Intermediate CAs as trusted CAs
+  2. Create DNS Administrator role in FreeIPA that can edit any DNS Record
+  3. Create host service: ${SERVICE:=letsencrypt/$(
+ipa host-show $HOSTNAME --raw | fgrep "krbcanonicalname: host/" | cut -d/ -f2)}
+  4. Allow letsencrypt host service to manage DNS entries
+  5. Register with Let's encrypt as: ${EMAIL:=hostmaster@${HOSTNAME#*.}}
+  6. Request a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for: ${CERTNAME:=$(ipa host-show $HOSTNAME --raw | fgrep "krbcanonicalname: host/" | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d@ -f1)}
+     with DNS Alternative names: ${DNSALTNAMES:=$(ipa host-show $HOSTNAME --raw | fgrep "krbprincipalname: host/" | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d@ -f1 | paste -sd,)}
+  7. install the Let's Encrypt certificate in apache as host SSL certificate,
+     storing renewal config in: /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/$HOSTNAME.conf
+  8. configure the Fedora Certbot renew timer so that certbot is run daily to
+     renew the certificate when needed.
+    while ! [[ "${REPLY:-}" =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do
+        echo
+        read -rp "Please confirm these changes should be applied (y/n): " -n 1
+    done
+    echo
+    [[ "${REPLY}" =~ ^[Nn]$ ]] && die aborted
+echo Download and importing Let\'s Encrypt certificates, this may take a while
+    [ISRGRootCAX1]=https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem
+    [LetsEncryptX3]=https://letsencrypt.org/certs/letsencryptauthorityx3.pem
+for certname in ${!LETSENCRYPTCERTS[@]}; do
+    certfile=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$0.XXXXXXX.cert)
+    curl -s "${LETSENCRYPTCERTS[$certname]}" -o $certfile
+    $SUDO ipa-cacert-manage install $certfile -n "$certname" -t C,,
+    rm -f $certfile
+$SUDO ipa-certupdate
+if ! ipa role-show "DNS Administrator" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+    echo Creating DNS Administrator role
+    ipa role-add "DNS Administrator"
+    ipa role-add-privilege "DNS Administrator" --privileges="DNS Administrators"
+    echo DNS Administrator role already exists
+if ! ipa service-show "$SERVICE" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+    echo Add service user $SERVICE
+    ipa service-add "$SERVICE"
+    ipa role-add-member "DNS Administrator" --services="$SERVICE"
+    echo Service user $SERVICE already exists
+if [ ! -f "${KEYTAB:=/etc/letsencrypt/keytab}" ]; then
+    echo creating keytab file $KEYTAB
+    $SUDO ipa-getkeytab -p "$SERVICE" -k "$KEYTAB"
+    echo not touching existing keytab file $KEYTAB
+echo Requesting Let\'s Encrypt SSL certificate and setup renewals
+$SUDO certbot certonly --expand --manual --preferred-challenges dns \
+        --manual-public-ip-logging-ok --agree-tos --email "${EMAIL}" \
+        --cert-name ${HOSTNAME} --domains "${DNSALTNAMES}" \
+        --pre-hook "kinit -k -t $KEYTAB \"$SERVICE\"" --post-hook "kdestroy" \
+        --manual-auth-hook    "ipa dnsrecord-add ${DOMAIN:-\${CERTBOT_DOMAIN#*.\}}. _acme-challenge.\${CERTBOT_DOMAIN}. \"--txt-rec=\${CERTBOT_VALIDATION}\"; sleep 3" \
+        --manual-cleanup-hook "ipa dnsrecord-del ${DOMAIN:-\${CERTBOT_DOMAIN#*.\}}. _acme-challenge.\${CERTBOT_DOMAIN}. --del-all" \
+        --deploy-hook  'echo | ipa-server-certinstall --http "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/fullchain.pem" "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/privkey.pem" --dirman-password="" --pin="" && service httpd restart'
+echo Enabling Certbot package\'s renewal timer
+$SUDO systemctl enable --now certbot-renew.timer
+cat << EOT
+FreeIPA was successfully setup to use a Let\'s Encrypt certificate for its web
+interface. This certificate will be renewed automatically when needed.