# dyndns.cfg.dist - Sample configuration File for dyndns.pl, copy this file to # the same directory as dyndns.pl and name it dyndns.cfg (same as script without # extension .pl and with extension .cfg) # values below are the defaults as also hard-coded in the script. # DNS Settings #dns_server = # DNS Server to communicate with (use IP!) #dns_domain = ?, !, 1 # DNS Domain to support, match hostname with: # '?': take domain name from parameter 'domain' # '!': take domain name from virtualhost name # 0: take domain from hostname # positive number: last # parts from hostname # negative number: last # parts from virtualhost # any other string: use if hostname ends on it #expand_cnames = 1 # CNAME levels to expand (0 to disable) #require_rr = # Require existing record of this type to update #replace_rr = A, AAAA, TXT # Records types to replace (clear) during update #record_ttl = 1h # TTL for created records, format: [0-9]+[mhws]? #update_txt = Last DynDNS update on # if set add TXT with this+date on update #delete_txt = DynDNS cleared on # if set add TXT with this+date on delete #expire_after = 1w # Expire time for registrations in minutes, # hours, weeks or seconds. format: [0-9]+[mhws]? # Authentication Settings #domain_list_key = off # List operation, 'off' to disable, '' to always # allow and other values to enable with secret #auth_mode = remote # either 'static', 'remote' or 'both' #static_signer = # required for AuthMode 'static' or 'both' #static_key = # required for AuthMode 'static' or 'both' # Debugging #allow_debug_key = off # Debuging, off to disable, empty for always on # and other values to enable with debug= param