new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b6fa1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Version 1.1 Changes (2019-08-05):
+  * Enhancements:
+    * Added config file support and a sample config file
+    * Implemented secret for list operator, listing is now disabled by default
+    * Enhanced domain selection mechanism and made it configurable (@DNSDomain)
+    * Reduced CNAME lookups to when really needed
+    * Sanitized HTTP Error codes and made output consistent (provide HTTP
+      response with error when normal things go wrong) and Hid detailed error
+      information in debug info so that end users cannot see this
+    * Made address autodetect explicit for updates (no more implicit autodetect)
+      The behavior of the update command changed so that it would not just pick
+      the remote address if no ip parameter was provided. This now also supports
+      setting one automatically and one specifically.
+  * Fixes:
+    * Fixed issue with listing the domain without 'domain' parameter
+    * Fixed issue with splice on perl versions > 5.23
+    * Fixed handling of expiry & calculation of expiry period
+    * Suppress unsupported records so that DNSSEC (RRSIG records) are no issue