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diff --git b/dyndns.pl a/dyndns.pl
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+++ a/dyndns.pl
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+# dyndns.pl - CGI-BIN script to handle Dynamic DNS updates through http
+# Last Update: $Date$
+# Latest version and documentation on http://projects.lindenaar.net/p/dyndns
+# Copyright (C) 2013  Frederik Lindenaar
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use POSIX;
+use Net::DNS;
+use feature 'state';
+# Configuration section
+my $DNSServer = '';	# DNS Server to communicate with (use IP!)
+my $ExpandCNAMEs = 1;		# CNAME levels to expand (0 to disable)
+my $AllowDebugKey = 'on';	# Debuging, 'off' to disable, '' for always on
+				# and other values to enable with debug= param.
+my $AuthMode = 'remote';	# either 'static', 'remote' or 'both'
+my $StaticSigner = '';		# required for AuthMode 'static' or 'both'
+my $StaticKey = '';		# required for AuthMode 'static' or 'both'
+my $RequireRR = '';		# Require existing record of this type for upd.
+my $ExpireAfter = '1w';		# Expire time for registrations in minutes,
+				# hours, weeks or seconds. format: [0-9]+[mhws]?
+my @ReplaceRR = ('A', 'AAAA', 'TXT');	# Records types to replace in update
+my $UpdateTXT = 'Last DynDNS update on ';
+my $DeleteTXT = 'DynDNS cleared on ';
+# Support functions
+my %months = (Jan=> 0, Feb=> 1, Mar=> 2, Apr=> 3, May=>4, Jun=> 5, Jul=> 6,
+                Aug=> 7, Sep=> 8, Sep=> 8, Oct=> 9, Nov=> 10, Dec=> 11);
+# Parse the date and return time for:    Sun May 26 21:22:15 2013
+sub parse_localtime($) {
+  my ($day, $month, $mday, $time, $year)=split(' ', $_[0]);
+  return mktime(reverse(split(':',$time)),$mday,$months{$month},$year-1900);
+sub is_ipv4 { return $_[0]=~/^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|[01]?[0-9]?)[0-9])(\.|$)){4}/; }
+sub is_ipv6 { return $_[0]=~/^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}(:|$)){3,8}/i; }
+sub periodSeconds($) {
+  my ($number, $units) = ($_[0]=~/^(\d+)([smhdw])?$/);
+  if($number && $units && $units cmp 's') {
+    $number *= 60;		# Convert to minutes
+    if($units cmp 'm') {
+      $number *= 60;		# Convert to hours
+      if($units cmp 'h') {
+	$number *= 24;		# Convert to days
+	if($units cmp 'd') {
+	  $number *= 7;		# Convert to weeks
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return $number;
+# Provide a resolver object for further use, re-using the initially created one
+sub getResolver() {
+    state $resolver;
+    unless($resolver) {
+        $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(
+		nameservers => [ $DNSServer ],
+		recurse => 0,
+        );
+    }
+    return $resolver;
+my %DNS_label = (
+	A	=> 'IPv4 Address',
+	AAAA	=> 'IPv6 Address',
+	CNAME	=> 'Alias',
+	TXT	=> 'Additional Information',
+	MX	=> 'Mail Server',
+	NS	=> 'Name Server',
+	HINFO	=> 'Host Information',
+sub DNS_decode_rr($) {
+    my ($rr) = @_;
+    return $rr->address if($rr->type eq 'A');
+    return $rr->address if($rr->type eq 'AAAA');
+    return lc($rr->cname) if($rr->type eq 'CNAME');
+    return $rr->txtdata if($rr->type eq 'TXT');
+    return $rr->nsdname if($rr->type eq 'NS');
+    return $rr->exchange.' (priority '.$rr->preference.')' if($rr->type eq 'MX');
+    return $rr->cpu.', '.$rr->os if($rr->type eq 'HINFO');
+    die "No support for $rr->type in DNS_get()!, aborted!";
+# Retrieve a single value from the DNS server of a given type or everything
+sub DNS_get($;$) {
+    my ($host, $type) = @_;
+    if (my $response = getResolver()->send($host, $type || 'ANY')) {
+	return $response unless($type);
+	foreach my $rr ($response->answer) {
+	    next unless $rr->type eq $type;
+	    return DNS_decode_rr($rr);
+	}
+    } else {
+	die 'DNS query failed: ', getResolver()->errorstring, "\n";
+    }
+# Check whether the hostname provided is actually a CNAME, returns the host
+# it points to in case of a CNAME or the original hostname if it is not.
+sub expand_CNAME($;$) {
+    my ($host, @found) = @_;
+    if(my $cname=DNS_get($host, 'CNAME')) {
+        push(@found, $host);
+	die $found[0]."has > $ExpandCNAMEs level deep CNAME chain, aborting!\n"
+			unless($#found < $ExpandCNAMEs);
+	foreach my $r (@found) {
+	    die "found CNAME loop for $host, aborting!\n" if($cname eq $r);
+        }
+        return &expand_CNAME($cname, @found);
+    }
+    return $host;
+# Method to perform an DNS Update for a single host
+sub DNS_Update($$$$$$$) {
+  my ($dnsdomain, $dnshost, $ipv4, $ipv6, $signer, $key, $debug) = @_;
+  my $dnsupdate = Net::DNS::Update->new($dnsdomain);
+  # If $RequireRR is set, ensure an records of specified type exist for the name
+  $dnsupdate->push(pre => yxrrset("$dnshost. $RequireRR")) if($RequireRR);
+  # Replace any existing A, AAAA and TXT entries (update was requested)
+  foreach my $rrtype (@ReplaceRR) {
+    $dnsupdate->push(update=>rr_del("$dnshost. $rrtype"));
+  }
+  # Add new A and AAAA record based on whether ipv4 and ipv6 address provided
+  $dnsupdate->push(update=>rr_add("$dnshost. 3600 A $ipv4")) if($ipv4);
+  $dnsupdate->push(update=>rr_add("$dnshost. 3600 AAAA $ipv6")) if($ipv6);
+  # Always add a new TXT record with the timestamp of the last update
+  my $txt = ($ipv4 or $ipv6) ? $UpdateTXT : $DeleteTXT;
+  $dnsupdate->push(update=>rr_add($dnshost. '. 3600 TXT "' . $txt . localtime()
+				. '"'))	if($txt);
+  # Sign the request with the signer and key
+  $dnsupdate->sign_tsig($signer, $key);
+  my $debugmessage = ($debug)
+	? "\n\n\n========================================================\n" .
+		$dnsupdate->string . "\n"
+	: "\n";
+  if(my $response = getResolver()->send($dnsupdate)) {
+    $debugmessage .= $response->string . "\n"	if($debug);
+    if ($response->header->rcode eq 'NOERROR') {
+	return (200, "OK - DNS update for $dnshost succeeded: " . 
+		$response->header->rcode . $debugmessage);
+    } else {
+	return (400, "ERROR - DNS update for $dnshost failed: " . 
+		$response->header->rcode . $debugmessage);
+    }
+  } else {
+    return (503, 'ERROR - DNS update for $dnshost failed: '.
+			getResolver()->errorstring. $debugmessage);
+  }
+# Handlers for the different requests
+sub handle_update($$$$$$) {
+  my ($cgi, $mode, $host, $dnshost, $dnsdomain, $debug) = @_;
+  # Get signer and key parameters
+  my $signer   = ($AuthMode eq 'static') ? $StaticSigner : ($cgi->param('user')
+		 || (($AuthMode eq 'both') ? $StaticSigner : $host));
+  my $key      = ($AuthMode eq 'static') ? $StaticKey : ($cgi->param('secret')
+		 || (($AuthMode eq 'both') ? $StaticSigner : undef));
+  # perform the action
+  my ($statuscode, $statusmessage);
+  if($mode eq 'delete') {
+    ($statuscode, $statusmessage) =
+	DNS_Update($dnsdomain, $dnshost, undef, undef, $signer, $key, $debug)
+  } else {
+    # Get ipv4, and ipv6 parameters
+    my $remote_addr = $cgi->remote_addr;
+    my $ipv4addr = $cgi->param('ipv4addr')
+	|| $cgi->param('ip')
+	|| (is_ipv4($remote_addr) ? $remote_addr : undef);
+    my $ipv6addr = $cgi->param('ipv6addr')
+	|| (! $ipv4addr and is_ipv6($remote_addr)) ? $remote_addr : undef;
+    ($statuscode, $statusmessage) =
+	DNS_Update($dnsdomain, $dnshost, $ipv4addr, $ipv6addr, $signer, $key, $debug);
+  }
+  # And report back the status
+  print $cgi->header(-status=>$statuscode, -type=>'text/plain'), $statusmessage;
+sub handle_expire($$$$$$) {
+  my ($cgi, $mode, $host, $dnshost, $dnsdomain, $debug) = @_;
+  # Get signer and key parameters
+  my $signer   = ($AuthMode eq 'static') ? $StaticSigner : ($cgi->param('user')
+		 || (($AuthMode eq 'both') ? $StaticSigner : $host));
+  my $key      = ($AuthMode eq 'static') ? $StaticKey : ($cgi->param('secret')
+		 || (($AuthMode eq 'both') ? $StaticSigner : undef));
+  my $debugmsg = ($debug) ? "\n" : '';
+  # perform the action
+  if(my $period = periodSeconds($ExpireAfter)) {
+    my $validafter = time - $period;
+    if($debug) {
+      $debugmsg .= "ExpireAfter $ExpireAfter, expiring all entries older than ";
+      $debugmsg .= localtime($validafter) . "\n";
+    }
+    foreach my $rr (getResolver->axfr($dnsdomain)) {
+      next if($rr->name eq $dnsdomain);
+      if($rr->type eq 'TXT' &&
+		$rr->txtdata=~/$UpdateTXT(.*\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d{4})$/){
+	if(my $lastupdate = parse_localtime($1)) {
+	  DNS_Update($dnsdomain, $dnshost, undef, undef, $signer, $key, $debug)
+		unless($lastupdate > $validafter);
+	  if($debug) {
+	    $debugmsg .= ($lastupdate > $validafter) ? 'Keeping ' : 'Expiring ';
+	    $debugmsg .= $rr->name . " last update ($1)\n";
+	  }
+	} elsif($debug) {
+	  $debugmsg .= 'Skipping '. $rr->name ." TXT: '". $rr->txtdata ."'\n";
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  # And report back the status
+  print $cgi->header(-status=>200, -type=>'text/plain'), 
+	"OK - DNS expiry for $dnsdomain succeeded\n" . $debugmsg;
+  }
+sub handle_status($$$$$$) {
+  my ($cgi, $mode, $host, $dnshost, $dnsdomain, $debug) = @_;
+  my $title = "DynDNS Updater - $host";
+  print $cgi->header(-status=>200),
+	$cgi->start_html(-title => $title),
+	$cgi->h1($title);
+  print $cgi->p("$host resolves to $dnshost")	if($host cmp $dnshost);
+  print $cgi->p("Current DNS information for $dnshost:"),
+	$cgi->start_table,
+	$cgi->Tr({-align=>'LEFT',-valign=>'TOP'}, [
+		$cgi->th(['Field', 'Value'])
+	]);
+  foreach my $rr (DNS_get($dnshost)->answer) {
+    print $cgi->Tr([
+		$cgi->td([$DNS_label{$rr->type}, DNS_decode_rr($rr)])
+	]);
+  }
+  print $cgi->end_table();
+  print $cgi->end_html();
+sub handle_view($$$$$$) {
+  my ($cgi, $mode, $host, $dnshost, $dnsdomain, $debug) = @_;
+  my $title = "DynDNS Updater - $dnsdomain";
+  print $cgi->header(-status=>200),
+	$cgi->start_html(-title => $title),
+	$cgi->h1($title);
+  print $cgi->p("Current DNS information for $dnsdomain:"),
+	$cgi->start_table,
+	$cgi->Tr({-align=>'LEFT',-valign=>'TOP'}, [
+		$cgi->th(['Name', 'Field', 'Value'])
+	]);
+  my $lastname = '';
+  foreach my $rr (getResolver->axfr($dnsdomain)) {
+    next if($rr->name eq $dnsdomain);
+    print $cgi->Tr([
+		$cgi->td([ ($lastname cmp $rr->name) ? $rr->name : '',
+				$DNS_label{$rr->type}, DNS_decode_rr($rr)])
+	]);
+    $lastname = $rr->name;
+  }
+  print $cgi->end_table();
+  print $cgi->end_html();
+my $cgi = CGI->new;
+# Validate Configuration
+my $CE = 'Configuration Error:';
+die "$CE \$AuthMode '$AuthMode' is unsupported must be remote, static or both\n"
+	unless $AuthMode=~/remote|static|both/;
+die "$CE \$StaticSigner must be set for \$AuthMode '$AuthMode'\n"
+	unless ($StaticSigner or $AuthMode eq 'remote'); 
+die "$CE \$StaticKey must be set for \$AuthMode '$AuthMode'\n"
+	unless ($StaticKey or $AuthMode eq 'remote'); 
+die "$CE \$RequireRR is set to unsupported type '$RequireRR'\n"
+	if ($RequireRR and not $DNS_label{$RequireRR});
+die "$CE \$ExpireAfter '$ExpireAfter' is not supported\n"
+	unless ($ExpireAfter=~/^\d+[smhw]$/);
+die "$CE \$UpdateTXT must be set when \$ExpireAfter is set\n"
+	if($ExpireAfter and not $UpdateTXT);
+foreach my $rrtype (@ReplaceRR) {
+  die "$CE \$ReplaceRR contains unsupported type '$rrtype'\n"
+	unless ($DNS_label{$rrtype});
+# Determine what to do and fetch the input parameters
+my $mode = $cgi->path_info || $cgi->param('mode') || '/status';
+my $host = $cgi->param('host') || $3;
+my $debug = ($AllowDebugKey eq 'off') ? 0 : ($AllowDebugKey eq ($cgi->param('debug') || ''));
+# Dispatch the request to the correct handler
+my %handlers = (
+  status	=> \&handle_status,
+  update	=> \&handle_update,
+  delete	=> \&handle_update,
+  view		=> \&handle_view,
+  expire	=> \&handle_expire,
+if($host eq '' and $mode cmp 'view' and $mode cmp 'expire') {
+  print $cgi->header(-status=>400, -type=>'text/plain'),
+	  "ERROR - No host name to act on specified\n";
+} elsif(my $handler = $handlers{$mode}) {
+  # Replace provided host with that of a CNAME it points to and determine domain
+  my $dnshost = ($host) ? expand_CNAME($host) : undef;
+  my $dnsdomain = $cgi->param('domain') || ($dnshost=~/\.(.*)$/)[0];
+  $handler->($cgi, $mode, $host, $dnshost, $dnsdomain, $debug);
+} else {
+  print $cgi->header(-status=>($cgi->path_info) ? 404 : 400,
+			-type=>'text/plain'),
+	  "ERROR - File Not Found / Invalid Mode '$mode' specified\n";