From 348b8d9a292ae45029e2a5b59038dfa7d8a759c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frederik Lindenaar <>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 19:32:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] First description on how to install and available parameters, etc.

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diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f737c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+Perl CGI-BIN script to handle Dynamic DNS updates through HTTP (e.g. from a
+router), updating DNS records through secure DNS update statements.
+**Version 1.0**, latest version, documentation and bugtracker available on my
+[GitLab instance](
+Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Frederik Lindenaar. free for distribution under the
+GNU License, see [below](#license)
+This script provides a simple interface to allow Dynamic DNS updates for DNS
+zones. It is intended to be used for routers and (aDSL) modems to register their
+IP address by simply opening a URL (this is supported by many modern devices)
+but can also be used by end-users (either directly by using a client). Please
+bear in mind that this script suits my setup and still might have glitches, but
+so far turned out to be a quite stable solution for my needs and I use it in a
+production setup. In case you have any comments / questions or issues, please
+raise them through my
+[GitLab instance]( so that all
+users benefit.
+This script is to be executed as CGI-BIN script by a web server. As it is
+written in Perl, it requires that installed (which is pretty standard nowadays
+on all *nix platforms). This description covers the installation on Apache 2.4,
+which should be similar for other web servers, with ISC Bind v9. For performance
+reasons consider using the Apache mod_perl module for highly a volatile domain.
+The setup of this solution consists of the following steps:
+  1. Ensure that the Perl modules CGI and Net::DNS are installed.
+     * on Debian/Ubunto linux this can be done by:
+       ~~~~
+       sudo apt-get install libcgi-pm-perl libnet-dns-perl
+       ~~~~
+     * or if you have cpan installed:
+       ~~~
+       cpan CGI Net::DNS
+       ~~~
+  2. Install the file `` either in your cgi-bin directory or in a
+     separate folder
+  3. Update the configuration section at the top of the script to match your
+     environment (see the section on [configuration](#configuration) below).
+     The least you need to change `$DNSServer` to point to your DNS server and
+     you probably want to have a look at the `$AllowDebugKey` (useful for
+     getting things started but you want to set this to 'off' in production.
+  4. To have a nicer URL (or in case the script is not installed in the web
+     server's cgi-bin directory) add the following line to your Apache virtual
+     host configuration (replacing `[INSTALL_DIR]` with the install directory):
+          ScriptAlias /dyndns   [INSTALL_DIR]/
+     in case you have installed the script in a non-standard folder, you will
+     also need the following to make this work on Apache 2.4 (again replacing
+     `[INSTALL_DIR]` with the install directory):
+     ~~~
+     <Directory [INSTALL_DIR]/>
+           AllowOverride None
+           Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews -Indexes
+           Require all granted
+     </Directory>
+     ~~~
+     reload apache with `/etc/init.d/apache reload` to make the script
+     available at <http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dyndns>
+  5. To setup your Bind nameserver, either update `named.conf` direcly or create
+     a separate file (e.g. `named.dyndns.conf` in the Bind configuration
+     directory and include that in your setup with the `include` directive
+     (e.g. `include "named.dyndns.conf";`). For a basic dynamic DNS setup a
+     configuration like below is required:
+     ~~~
+     // Define the keys for DynDNS
+     key "dyndns.mydomain.tld" {
+         algorithm hmac-md5; secret "QdDJC7QVYmsCxgWoSAUmBg==";
+     };
+     key "siteuser" {
+         algorithm hmac-md5; secret "R6Xkbn+FP85Hq3EDNmv+GQ==";
+     };
+     // Define the DDNS zone
+     zone "dyndns.mydomain.tld" IN {
+          type master;
+          file "dyndns/db.dyndns.mydomain.tld";
+          // enable this for list and expire support
+          // allow-transfer {; };
+          update-policy {
+                 grant dyndns.mydomain.tld zonesub ANY;
+                 grant siteuser name site.dyndns.mydomain.tld ANY;
+          };
+     };
+     ~~~
+     The above defines a domain zone file `dyndns/db.dyndns.mydomain.tld` with
+     two signer/keys. *siteuser* only can update `site.dyndns.mydomain.tld`
+     while *dyndns.mydomain.tld* can update all entries in the domain (intended
+     for expiry). If you intend to use expiry or want to be able to retrieve a
+     list of all entries, comment out the `allow-transfer` statement and update
+     the IP adres to that of your web server.
+     To seed these entries with fresh keys), use the following
+     commands and copy the generated keys into the config file.
+       * to generate a new key *dyndns.mydomain.tld*:
+         ~~~
+         ddns-confgen -a hmac-md5 -k dyndns.mydomain.tld -z dyndns.mydomain.tld
+         ~~~
+       * generate the required configuration for *siteuser* (or any new user):
+         ~~~
+         ddns-confgen -a hmac-md5 -k siteuser -s site.dyndns.mydomain.tld
+         ~~~
+  6. Generate an initial zone file like the one below for the dyndns domain in
+     the location specified in the config file above.
+     ~~~
+     $TTL 3600       ; 1 hour
+     @               IN  SOA auth.dns.mydomain.tld. hostmaster.mydomain.tld. (
+                         2015051401 ; serial
+                         43200      ; refresh (12 hours)
+                          3600      ; retry (1 hour)
+                         86400      ; expire (24 hours)
+                           900      ; minimum (15 minutes)
+                     )
+                     TXT   "Dynamic DNS zone for mydomain.tld"
+     site            A
+     ~~~
+     Please note that Bind will rewrite this file and you need to be careful
+     with it. Entries do not need to exist initially, as long as the signer/key
+     has access to a hostname, the entry can be created (so the only thing
+     required to setup a new host is to register a signer/key).
+     If you do need to update the zone file to change entries, consider using
+     the bind `nsupdate` command instead. If that is inconvenient, the following
+     steps must be followed not to get our of sync with Bind's zone database
+     (please note that when you have views this works slightly differently):
+       * execute the command `rndc freeze [zone]`
+       * edit the zone file for [zone]
+       * execute the command `rndc unfreeze [zone]`
+  7. Last step is to instruct bind to reload it's configuration (`rndc reload`)
+     and test the setup. please see [below how to invoke the script](#invoking).
+     URLs / checks to perform are:
+     * <http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dyndns/list?domain=dyndns.mydomain.tld>
+       to list the entries in the domain (requires zone transfer rights!)
+     * <http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dyndns/update?host=site.dyndns.mydomain.tld&user=siteuser&key=......>
+       to add/update a site and
+     * <http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dyndns/delete?host=site.dyndns.mydomain.tld&user=siteuser&key=......>
+       to delete (clear) it.
+Please read the section below as well on the configuration and different modes
+(operations) available.
+<a name=configuration>Configuration</a>
+At the top of the script is a "Configuration" section, which contains the
+configurable options of the scripts.
+Parameter        | Description
+`$DNSServer`     | IP address of the DNS Server to send DNS update requests to
+`$ExpandCNAMEs`  | Max. CNAME lookups for `$host` (0 to disable), see below
+`$AllowDebugKey` | Output debug log after result when `debug` parameter equals this value. Set to '' to always enable and to 'off' to disable debugging
+`$AuthMode`      | Defines how to authenticate DNS update requests, see below
+`$StaticSigner`  | Static signer ID to be used for AuthMode `static` or `both`
+`$StaticKey`     | Static signing key to be used for AuthMode `static` or `both`
+`$RequireRR`     | Require an existing DNS record of this type to allow updates.
+`$ExpireAfter`   | Expire time for registrations in minutes, hours, weeks or seconds. Format is number optionally followed by m, h, w, s (seconds is default).
+`@ReplaceRR`     | List of DNS Record types to remove (clear) as part of update.
+`$UpdateTXT`     | Add host TXT record during update with this text followed by a timestamp. Used for expiry (so don't change!), leave empty to not add this
+`$DeleteTXT`     | Set TXT record upon deletion with this text and a timestamp. 
+Please note that the values must be correctly quoted, etc. not to break the script.
+#### CNAME Support
+The script supports using separate subdomain (e.g. dyndns.mydomain.tld) for
+dynamic DNS and CNAMEs to entries in that subdomain from another zone (e.g.
+mydomain.tld). The advantage of such a setup is that only one zone (SOA file)
+within the domain will have frequent updates (and hence requires a short TTL
+so prevent it from being cached) while the rest of the domain's zones can be
+The user does not have to notice this at all as script supports check whether
+the host provided is a CNAME and if so, performs the request for the actual
+hostname instead of the provided one. The value of `$ExpandCNAMEs` determines
+the maximum number of CNAME lookups supported (so nesting is allowed and this
+limits the level of nesting to prevent loops).
+To disable lookups for CNAME expansion, set `$ExpandCNAMEs` to 0.
+#### Authentication Modes
+For signing DNS update requests sent to the DNS server the script supports 3
+ways to obtain the signer and key:
+AuthMode | Description
+*static* | use only static authentication information from `$StaticSigner` and`$StaticKey` (and ignore authentication information provided in the request)
+*remote* | use only authentication information provided in the request 
+*both*   | use authentication information provided in the request (fields `user` and `secret`) when provided, otherwise use static values from `$StaticSigner` and `$StaticKey`. Please note that this is checked per parameter
+Supported Operations
+The script can perform the following operations (modes):
+Mode   | Description              | Required Parameters | Optional Parameters
+list   | Show DDNS domain entries | `domain`__**__      |
+view   | Show DDNS hostname entry | `host`              |
+update | Update/add a DDNS host   | `host` + auth.__*__ | `ipv4addr`, `ipv6addr`
+delete | Remove DDNS registration | `host` + auth.__*__ |
+expire | Expire registrations     | `domain`__**__ + auth.__*__
+__*__   Modes that change registrations require authentication, depending on the
+        value of `$AuthMode` the parameters `user` and `secret` may be required
+        (`$AuthMode` *remote*) required or optional (`$AuthMode` *both*)
+__**__  in case `domain` is omitted, it will be determined using the `host`
+        parameter, if provided
+#### Parameters
+The script supports the following parameters (please see the table above for which is needed for what mode):
+Parameter | Description
+`mode`    | the action to perform (if not provided as part of the path name)
+`domain`  | domain for list/expire request, determined from `host` if ommitted
+`host`    | hostname to act on, expand CNAMEs max. `$ExpandCNAMEs` levels deep
+`ip`      | alias / shortcut for `ipv4addr`
+`ipv4addr`| The IPv4 address to register for the host (update mode only) __*__
+`ipv6addr`| The IPv6 address to register for the host (update mode only) __*__
+`user`    | signer of the DNS Update, used for `AuthMode` *remote* and *both*
+`key`     | key to sign the DNS Update, used for `AuthMode` *remote* and *both*
+`debug`   | debug key, show debug information if this equals `$AllowDebugKey`
+__*__   in update mode, if `ipv4addr` or `ipv6addr` is not provided with the
+        request, the CGI variable `$REMOTE_ADDR` (the client address), its value
+        will be used instead as IPv4/IPv6 address.
+#### <a name="invoking">Invoking the script</a>
+The script is implemented using the perl CGI module so for testing purposes it
+can be called from the command line with parameters as arguments, i.e.
+    ./ mode=expire domain=mydomain.tld debug=....
+Which is quite handy for debugging purposes. Please note that the Perl CGI
+library sets `$REMOTE_ADDR` to and that the output will always be
+the HTML-based result.
+The standard way to use the script is to place it in the cgi-bin folder your
+server, which allows it to be called as:
+    http://myserver.mydomain.tld/cgi-bin/
+As per the setup instruction above, there are various ways to make the URL
+cleaner, i.e.
+    http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dyndns?mode=list&domain=mydomain.tld&debug=...
+The script also supports include the mode variable as part of the location
+(using and the CGI variable `$PATH_INFO` to set the mode), i.e.
+    http://myserver.mydomain.tld/cgi-bin/
+When combining the setup would become:
+    http://myserver.mydomain.tld/dyndns/list?domain=mydomain.tld&debug=...
+Which is how I use it.
+Name Server Setup Requirements
+As the script is only translating requests, depends heavily on the setup of the
+nameserver. The DNS server (obviously) needs to allow DNS updates. In addition
+to the setup described above, please note that: 
+  * For the modes list and expire to work, the script needs to perform a DNS
+    zone transfer (AXFR). This must be allowed for the host running the script.
+  * for each DDNS host, a signer and key must have the rights to change the
+    entry (one signer/key can be setup to change multiple hosts).
+  * The expire mode requires a signer and key that can change all DDNS hosts
+    within the domain.
+  * The script currently only supports HMAC-MD5 type keys (limitation of the
+    used Perl Net::DNS library). The keys setup in the nameservers must
+    therefore be of the same time or authentication won't work.
+The solution scales reasonable well, although adding the keys to the nameserver
+configuration is still manual in my setup (but since it does not happen that
+often, it's no hassle). This setup has been tested against ISC Bind version 9.
+<a name="license">License</a>
+This script, documentation and configration examples are free software: you can
+redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+This script, documenatation and configuration examples are distributed in the
+hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program.  If not, download it from <>.
libgit2 0.22.2