diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 85d2094..d3930ea 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,15 +14,17 @@ License, see [below](#license)
-Shell scripts used to synchronize the current Cisco startup configuration and
-DHCP static lease files with with a GIT repository. This scripts assumes one
-(git-managed) subdirectory per router. It performs the following operations when
+Shell scripts used to synchronize the current Cisco startup configuration, IOS
+images and DHCP static lease files with with a GIT repository. This scripts
+assumes one (git-managed) subdirectory per router. It performs the following
+operations when invoked:
+  - copy Cisco startup-config using scp and add to next commit
+  - synchronize the IOS images in the git repository and update the startup-
+    config accordingly
   - update the header of modified DHCP static lease files, upload them using
     using scp and add them to the next commit
   - restart Cisco DHCP service after updating DHCP static lease files
-  - copy Cisco running-config using scp and add to next commit
   - commit changes to the git repository
 I use this script to keep the configuration of my cisco router(s) in a GIT
diff --git a/sync-router b/sync-router
index ea67de9..cdd9025 100755
--- a/sync-router
+++ b/sync-router
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@
 #		    them using using scp and add them to the next commit
 #		  - restart Cisco DHCP service after updating static lease files
 #		  - copy Cisco startup-config using scp and add to next commit
+#		  - update IOS image files on the router when checked in to the
+#		    repository, update startup-config file accordingly on router
 #		  - commit changes to the git repository
-# Version 1.0, latest version at: https://gitlab.lindenaar.net/scripts/cisco
+# Version 1.1, latest version at: https://gitlab.lindenaar.net/scripts/cisco
 # Copyright (c) 2016 Frederik Lindenaar
@@ -25,22 +27,73 @@
 ### Configuration ###
 router=`basename \`dirname $0 | pwd\``	# name of router - based on directory
-syncfiles=dhcp-\*			# list/pattern of dhcp lease files
-fileto=flash:				# location of dhcp lease files on cisco
+dhcpfiles=dhcp-\*			# list/pattern of dhcp lease files
+imagefiles=c??00-universalk9-mz.SPA.\*	# list/pattern of IOS image files
+fileto=flash				# location of dhcp/IOS files on cisco
 ### Implementation ###
 echo updating with $router
+# Support function to download a file from the router
+# parameters:	$1 - filename to be copied and $2 - (optional) target filename
+# when no target filename is provided the source file will be downloaded to the
+# current directory with the same name. Adds downloaded file to git changeset
+router_file_download() {
+  fromfile=${1?ERROR: at least one filename is required to copy from router}
+  tofile=${2:-$fromfile}
+  filesrc=$fileto
+  if [ "$fromfile" == startup-config ]; then
+	filesrc=nvram
+  fi
+  echo downloading $tofile from router $filesrc
+  scp -q $router:$filesrc:$fromfile $tofile
+  git add $tofile
+# Support function to upload a file to the router
+# parameters:	$1 - filename to be copied and $2 - (optional) target filename
+# when a target filename is provided the source file will be moved to the target
+# file after uploading and the target file is added to the git changeset
+router_file_upload() {
+  fromfile=${1?ERROR: at least one filename is required to copy to router}
+  tofile=${2:-$fromfile}
+  filedst=$fileto
+  if [ "$fromfile" == startup-config ]; then
+	filedst=nvram
+  fi
+  echo uploading new/updated $tofile to router $filedst
+  scp -q $fromfile $router:$filedst:$tofile
+  if [ "$fromfile" != "$tofile" ]; then
+	mv $fromfile $tofile
+	git add $tofile
+  fi
+# Support function to remove a file from the router
+# parameters:	$1 - filename to be removed
+router_file_remove() {
+  delfile=${1?ERROR: need a filename to remove from router}
+  echo removing $delfile as it is no longer in the repository
+  ssh -q $router "delete /force $fileto:$delfile"
+# Fetch the start-up configuration from the router
+router_file_download startup-config
 # Process the DHCP static lease files that have changed
-git status -s "$syncfiles" | while read status filename
+git status -s "$dhcpfiles" | while read status filename token newfilename
   case $status in
 	echo skipping $filename as it is not yet added to the repository
-	echo removing  $filename as it is no longer in the repository
-	ssh -q $router "delete /force $fileto$filename"
+	router_file_remove $filename
+	;;
+    R)
+	router_file_remove $filename
+	router_file_upload $newfilename
     A |M|MM)
   	echo updating and uploading modified file $filename
@@ -60,9 +113,7 @@ do
 	tail +3 $filename >> .$filename.$$.tmp
-	scp -q .$filename.$$.tmp $router:$fileto$filename
-	mv .$filename.$$.tmp $filename
-	git add $filename
+	router_file_upload .$filename.$$.tmp $filename
 	echo unsupported git status "$status", aborting
@@ -72,7 +123,7 @@ do
 # Restart the DHCP service on the router if any of the dhcp files changed
-if git status -s "$syncfiles" | egrep -q ^[MAD]; then
+if git status -s "$dhcpfiles" | egrep -q ^[MAD]; then
   echo restarting dhcp service
   cat << EOT | ssh -q $router
 configure terminal
@@ -83,10 +134,42 @@ exit
-# Fetch the current start-up configuration and add it to the repository
-scp -q $router:startup-config .
-git diff startup-config
-git add startup-config
-# and commit the changes (or unadd new configuration when commit is aborted)
+# Process the IOS image files that have changed
+git status -s "$imagefiles" | while read status filename token newfilename
+  case $status in
+    \?\?)
+	echo skipping $filename as it is not yet added to the repository
+	;;
+    R)
+	router_file_remove $filename
+	router_file_upload $newfilename
+	;;
+    D)
+	router_file_remove $filename
+	;;
+    A |M)
+	router_file_upload $filename
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo unsupported git status "$status", aborting
+	exit 1
+	;;
+  esac
+# Update the boot images in the startup-config file if we're updating any images
+if git status -s "$imagefiles" | egrep -q ^[MADR]; then
+  fgrep -n "boot system $fileto" startup-config | cut -d: -f1 > .startup-config.$$.lines
+  head -$[ `head -1 .startup-config.$$.lines` -1 ] startup-config > .startup-config.$$
+  git ls-files $imagefiles | sort -r | sed "s/^/boot system $fileto /g" >> .startup-config.$$
+  tail +$[ `tail -1 .startup-config.$$.lines` +1 ] startup-config >> .startup-config.$$
+  rm .startup-config.$$.lines
+  router_file_upload .startup-config.$$ startup-config
+# show what has changed in the startup config and commit to the repository
+git diff --cached startup-config 
 git commit || git reset HEAD startup-config