diff --git a/class.ldap.php b/class.ldap.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..530f8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/class.ldap.php
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+global $conf;
+class Ldap {
+	var $cnx;
+	var $config;
+	// for debug
+	public function write_log($message){
+		$log = 0;
+		if($log>0){
+			@file_put_contents('/var/log/ldap_login.log',$message."\n",FILE_APPEND);	
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * check ldap configuration
+	 *
+	 * Dans le cas ou l'acces au ldap est anonyme il faut impérativement faire une recherche
+	 * pour tester la connection.
+	 *
+	 * When OpenLDAP 2.x.x is used, ldap_connect() will always return a resource as it does not actually connect
+	 * but just initializes the connecting parameters. The actual connect happens with the next calls
+	 * to ldap_* funcs, usually with ldap_bind().
+	 */
+	public function check_ldap(){
+		//$this->write_log("[function]> check_ldap");
+		if (!$this->ldap_conn()) {
+			return $this->getErrorString();
+		}
+		// test du compte root si renseigné
+		if (!empty($this->config['ld_binddn']) && !empty($this->config['ld_bindpw'])){ // if empty ld_binddn, anonymous search
+			// authentication with rootdn and rootpw for search
+			if (!$this->ldap_bind_as($this->config['ld_binddn'],$this->config['ld_bindpw'])){
+				return $this->getErrorString();
+			}
+		} else {
+			// sinon recherche du basedn (cf comportement ldap_connect avec OpenLDAP)
+			if (!$this->ldap_check_basedn()){ // search userdn
+				return $this->getErrorString();
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	public function load_default_config(){
+		$this->config['host'] = 'localhost';
+		$this->config['basedn'] = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'; // racine !
+		$this->config['port'] = ''; // if port is empty, I count on the software to care of it !
+		$this->config['ld_attr'] = 'uid';
+		$this->config['ld_group'] = 'cn=myPiwigoLDAPGroup,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com';
+		$this->config['ld_use_ssl'] = False;
+		$this->config['ld_bindpw'] ='';
+		$this->config['ld_binddn'] ='';
+		$this->config['allow_newusers'] = False;
+		$this->config['advertise_admin_new_ldapuser'] = False;
+		$this->config['send_password_by_mail_ldap'] = False;
+	}
+	function load_config() {
+		// first we load the base config
+		$conf_file = @file_get_contents( LDAP_LOGIN_PATH.'data.dat' );
+		if ($conf_file!==false)
+		{
+			$this->config = unserialize($conf_file);
+		}
+	}
+	function save_config()
+	{
+		$file = fopen( LDAP_LOGIN_PATH.'/data.dat', 'w' );
+		fwrite($file, serialize($this->config) );
+		fclose( $file );
+	}
+	function ldap_admin_menu($menu)
+	{
+		array_push($menu,
+		array(
+		'NAME' => 'Ldap Login',
+		'URL' => get_admin_plugin_menu_link(LDAP_LOGIN_PATH.'/admin.php') )
+		);
+		return $menu;
+	}
+	// LDAP connection public
+	public function ldap_conn(){
+		if( $this->cnx = $this->make_ldap_conn() ){
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	// LDAP connection private
+	private function make_ldap_conn(){
+		if ($this->config['ld_use_ssl'] == 1){
+			if (empty($this->config['port'])){
+				$this->config['uri'] = 'ldaps://'.$this->config['host'];
+			}
+			else {
+			$this->config['uri'] = 'ldaps://'.$this->config['host'].':'.$this->config['port'];
+			}
+		}
+		// now, it's without ssl
+		else {
+			if (empty($this->config['port'])){
+				$this->config['uri'] = 'ldap://'.$this->config['host'];
+			}
+			else {
+				$this->config['uri'] = 'ldap://'.$this->config['host'].':'.$this->config['port'];
+			}
+		}
+		if ($conn = @ldap_connect($this->config['uri'])){
+			@ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); // LDAPv3 if possible
+			return $conn;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	// return ldap error
+	public function getErrorString(){
+                return ldap_err2str(ldap_errno($this->cnx));
+        }
+	// return the name ldap understand
+	public function ldap_name($name){
+		return $this->config['ld_attr'].'='.$name.','.$this->config['basedn'];
+	}
+	// authentication public
+	public function ldap_bind_as($user,$user_passwd){
+		$this->write_log("[function]> ldap_bind_as");
+		$this->write_log("[ldap_bind_as]> ".$user.",".$user_passwd);
+		if($this->make_ldap_bind_as($this->cnx,$user,$user_passwd)){
+			$this->write_log("[ldap_bind_as]> Bind was successfull");
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+        }
+	// authentication private
+	private function make_ldap_bind_as($conn,$user,$user_passwd){
+		$this->write_log("[function]> make_ldap_bind_as");
+		$this->write_log("[make_ldap_bind_as]> \$conn,".$user.",".$user_passwd);
+		$bind = @ldap_bind($conn,$user,$user_passwd);
+		if($bind){
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	public function ldap_mail($name){
+		//echo $this->cnx;
+		//echo $this->ldap_name($name);
+		$sr=@ldap_read($this->cnx, $this->ldap_name($name), "(objectclass=*)", array('mail'));
+		$entry = @ldap_get_entries($this->cnx, $sr);
+		if (!empty($entry[0]['mail'])) {
+			return $entry[0]['mail'][0];
+			}
+		return False;
+	}
+	// return userdn (and username) for authentication
+	public function ldap_search_dn($value_to_search){
+		$this->write_log("[function]> ldap_search_dn(".$value_to_search.")");
+		$filter = '(&(objectCategory=person)('.$this->config['ld_attr'].'='.$value_to_search.'))';
+		// connection handling
+		$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> Connecting to server");
+		//if(!$bcnx = $this->make_ldap_conn()){
+		if(!$this->cnx){
+			$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> Cannot connect to server!");
+			return false;
+		}
+		$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> make_ldap_bind_as(\$this->cnx,".$this->config['ld_binddn'].",".$this->config['ld_bindpw'].")");
+		//if(!$this->make_ldap_bind_as($bcnx,$this->config['ld_binddn'],$this->config['ld_bindpw'])){
+		if(!$this->make_ldap_bind_as($this->cnx,$this->config['ld_binddn'],$this->config['ld_bindpw'])){
+			$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> Cannot bind to server!");
+			return false;
+		}
+		$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> @ldap_search(\$this->cnx,".$this->config['basedn'].",".$filter.",array('dn'),0,1)");
+		// look for our attribute and get always the DN for login
+		//if($search = ldap_search($bcnx,$this->config['basedn'],$filter,array('dn'),0,1)){
+		if($search = @ldap_search($this->cnx,$this->config['basedn'],$filter,array('dn'),0,1)){
+			$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> ldap_search successfull");
+			//$entry = ldap_get_entries($bcnx, $search);
+			$entry = @ldap_get_entries($this->cnx, $search);
+			//if (!empty($entry[0][strtolower($this->config['ld_attr'])][0])) {
+			if (!empty($entry[0]["dn"])) {
+				$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> RESULT: ".$entry[0]["dn"]);
+				//@ldap_unbind($bcnx);
+				return $entry[0]["dn"];
+			}
+			$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> result is empty!");
+			return false;
+		}
+		$this->write_log("[ldap_search_dn]> ldap_search NOT successfull:");
+		return false;
+	}
+	// look for LDAP group membership
+	public function check_ldap_group_membership($user_dn,$group_dn){
+		$this->write_log("[function]> check_ldap_group_membership(".$user_dn."   ,   ".$group_dn.")");
+		//if no group specified return true
+		if(!$group_dn){
+			return true;	
+		}
+		if(!$this->cnx){
+			$this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> Cannot connect to server!");
+                        return false;
+                }
+		if(!$this->make_ldap_bind_as($this->cnx,$this->config['ld_binddn'],$this->config['ld_bindpw'])){
+                        $this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> Cannot bind to server!");
+                        return false;
+                }
+		// search for all memberOf-attributes for a given user_dn
+		$this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> @ldap_search(\$this->cnx,\"".$user_dn."\",\"(objectClass=*)\", array(\"memberOf\"),0,1)");
+		if($search = @ldap_search($this->cnx, $user_dn, "(objectClass=*)", array("memberOf"),0,1)){
+			$entry = @ldap_get_entries($this->cnx, $search);
+			//check if there are memberof-attributes
+			if(isset($entry[0]["memberof"])){
+				$this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> Found ". $entry[0]["memberof"]["count"] ." memberOf-attributes");
+       		        	for($i=0; $i < $entry["0"]["memberof"]["count"]; $i++){
+        	        	        $this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> checking: ". $entry["0"]["memberof"][$i]);
+					if(strcmp($group_dn,$entry["0"]["memberof"][$i]) == 0){
+						$this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> Match found for \"". $group_dn ."\" AND \"".$entry["0"]["memberof"][$i]."\"");
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				$this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> No groups found for given user, check on ldap side");
+			}
+		} else {
+			$this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> ldap_search NOT successfull: " .$this->getErrorString());
+		}
+		$this->write_log("[check_ldap_group_membership]> No matching groups found for given group_dn: ". $group_dn);
+		return false;
+	}
+	public function getAttr() {
+		$search = @ldap_read($this->cnx, "cn=subschema", "(objectClass=*)", array('*', 'subschemasubentry'));
+		$entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->cnx, $search);
+		echo count($entries);
+	}
+	public function getRootDse() {	
+		$search = @ldap_read($this->cnx, NULL, 'objectClass=*', array("*", "+"));
+		$entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->cnx, $search);
+		return $entries[0];
+	}
+	public function ldap_check_basedn(){
+		if ($read = @ldap_read($this->cnx,$this->config['basedn'],'(objectClass=*)',array('dn'))){
+			$entry = @ldap_get_entries($this->cnx, $read);
+			if (!empty($entry[0]['dn'])) {
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}